Archive for April, 2012

Does Arnica Really Help Healing after Oral Surgery?

Herbal or homeopathic remedies and other forms of integrative medicine (holistic medicine; new ways to treat the mind, body, and spirit—all at the same time) continue to grow in popularity; however, it is critical that you consult our office and/or your physician prior to taking them to ensure they will be safe for you and […]

Experience Less Postoperative Pain with Laser-Guided Dentistry

The impact of laser technology has been rapidly growing since the mid-1960s when it was first introduced in the healthcare sector as a surgical tool. Using LASERS, short for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, we are now able to perform procedures on the soft tissues of the mouth with patients reporting less postoperative […]

Third Molar Socket Grafting

One of the speakers at a recent symposium on alveolar grafting and ridge preservation, Thomas B. Dodson, DMD, presented an interesting paper dealing with the effects of mandibular third molar (M3) removal on the periodontal health of the adjacent second molar (M2). He also addressed weather additional surgical procedures at the time of removal such […]

Tobacco’s Impact on Your Oral Health

Unless you live in a cave, you are aware of the dangers of smoking. But do you know how much tobacco use impacts your oral health? In addition to staining your teeth, causing bad breath, and increasing the build up of bacterial plaque, it affects your sense of smell and taste. It also greatly increases […]